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Fire fighting equipment

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Positive pressure mobile smoke extractor

Almost no fire-fighting equipment is as cheap as PPV smoke exhaust equipment. It can quickly and eff…

Almost no fire-fighting equipment is as cheap as PPV smoke exhaust equipment. It can quickly and effectively extinguish the fire, increase the survival rate of the trapped people, and provide help for the internal fire fighting of buildings. How to use PPV smoke exhauster correctly and control fire quickly to save more lives is a compulsory course for firefighters.

Risk of smoke

The fire coming out of the window of the building will immediately attract the attention of firefighters, but it seems that it is not dangerous. It's just that we have to be clear that the danger is not caused only by fire or thermal radiation. In fact, smoke (gas from combustion) can also be a dangerous enemy. Smoke can quickly spread to the whole building, it is so deadly, but silent, can spread the danger from the source quickly.


A lot of dangerous ingredients can be found in the smoke. Carbon monoxide is only one of them, about 1% of the smoke, but only 1200 ppm (about 0.12%) will pose a threat to life and health.

Not only that, the toxicity of smoke also poses a threat to the lives of firefighters. Therefore, the rapid discharge of smoke from the building will not only increase the persistence time of the trapped people, but also increase the safety of firefighters.


With the development of the fire, the oxygen in the closed space will be consumed, and smoke will gradually diffuse in the upper air. Moreover, the fire cannot continue to burn without oxygen. The speed of heat transfer is limited by vents and the fire is controlled by air flow.

Air flow will control the fire and produce a large number of incomplete combustions, most of which will become soot. The loss of visibility in the air directly causes firefighters to lose their most useful sense of vision. Decreased hearing and touch also increased the risk. Eliminating smoke can regain sight and make firefighters quickly find the place of fire.

Combustible material

The smoke contains a large number of incomplete combustion products as well as gases generated by fuel combustion (high temperature decomposition). The smoke contains a combustible substance that can easily reach the ignition point with only a little air (oxygen) heating. So smoke spread means that the fire is likely to spread, because the two conditions of fuel and air are easy to do.

When smoke exists in buildings, isolating a large number of combustibles will greatly reduce the risk of fire spread.


The smoke isolated above the flame can easily reach more than 500 degrees, with the development of the fire. Smoke from combustion can produce a lot of heat radiation. The surface of combustibles was not affected by the smoke produced by pyrolysis in the early stage of combustion. But heat radiation can pose a threat to trapped people and firefighters entering the building. This will also make the fire rescue very difficult, even become powerless.

Cooling the high temperature in the flame will not only improve the holding time of the trapped people, but also make firefighters find the source of the fire more quickly.

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